War on self-defense? Some updates.

Despite recent snows in the High County (the Rockies and Sierras and Black Hills, at least), the summer tourist season is nearly upon us. With that, people are traveling and warm days and cool nights (but not too cool) bring out the rats. The human kind as well as the kind with tails.

And courtesy of the current fad of “from the river to the sea” protests and occupations and “peaceful” vandalism and confrontations on and off campuses across the country? People are concerned about the safety of themselves and their families as they travel and as travelers come to their area.

The mainstream media loves to feed on and ramp up these fears. Europeans and even Brits and Australians continue to be sold the idea that the States are a lawless, gun-violence-filled land that resembles their imaginations of the Old, Old, Wild West – an image pushed by Hollywood for a century.

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Education – then and now

Let us return to a frequent theme of TPOL.

Modern American education is worse than a farce. It is perhaps the single greatest cause of the seeming collapse of American society, the economy, and the hope of many. A century and a quarter ago, when 8th grade was the most common expectation of Americans, what they learned in 8 years was actually far more than what the average American student has learned in the last quarter century in 13+ years of school. (Pre-school, Kindergarten, grades 1-12). And perhaps more than the majority of graduates in “liberal arts” of colleges and universities learn today.

Let us look back, not just 125 years, but 2000 years. Back to antiquity – education (in ancient Rome, during the Republic (SPQR)) and early in the Principate under Augustus and Tiberius.

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Wartime is fun time – for government

We were warned a long time ago, weren’t we?

It was not, of course, just Madison who told us what might happen.

George Washington, yet another Virginian aristocrat, told us to avoid foreign entanglements. Something that we “sorta” did avoid until 1915 when that piece of work Wilson threw us into the British and French camp against the evil Huns. Which ultimately led to tens of thousands dead and maimed. No not just those who died on the Western Front bailing the Brits and French (and Belgians) out. But the thousands dead from accident and illnesses. Especially the hundreds of thousands dead of Spanish Flu. Which wasn’t Spanish at all: it seems to have originated in Kansas and spread through the vast camps of conscripts in places like Camp Funston (on Fort Riley) being trained to be cannon fodder to save Paris and London from defeat by the awful, awful Kaiser. (Never mind that the Brits and French were far, far more successful at the imperialism racket than the Germans. Or Austrians.)

Immediately followed by interventions in Russia against the still more evil Bolsheviks, followed by multiple alliances (not actually legal) and quickly led to 1939 and 1941: massive foreign involvement that has now lasted (in the guise of the UN, NATO, and a dozen other alliances) for more than 80 years.

Madison also told us this:

Of course, the modern Regressives want us to look at these people as just dead white slaveholders who must be ignored. Who have, like so many other politically-incorrect people of the past, been canceled in the halls of academia and government-run, tax-funded schools. And increasingly in every part of government and more and more businesses. At least the multi-national corporations.

And Madison was right, of course. Today we have in the States – and indeed around the world – tyranny and oppression on a scale as great as any time in history. More subtle, more “gentle,” more tolerated, and less overtly bloody than the great episodes of oppression in history. We have no sacrifices of pigs in temples, no marching of the intellectuals and business people out into the jungle to be slaughtered, no kulaks to be starved to death, no gypsies and Hebrews herded into the showers. Not yet.

And the Lord willing, at least in the West and hopefully in the Fifty States, we never will. But only if we take action to prevent it. To turn the tide of authoritarian totalitarianism back on itself.

Which we can do. If we don’t let ourselves get distracted by the likes of all the celebrities and the various fads. If we not only “mind your own business” but persuade other people to also mind their own business, and not ours.

The choice is ours!

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“Battleground States” in 2024 and beyond

Paradigm (formerly Agora) recently discussed dying media: specifically broadcast television (TV). The writer believes that 2024 may be the last gasp of broadcast media as Biden, Trump, and hundreds of candidates flood the old networks and local stations with billions of campaign dollars. He points out that the main spending will be in seven battleground states: Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada. Some of these seven morer than others because they are looking at open Senate and House and even governor’s races that are near toss-ups.

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Hope springs eternal

Things continue to get worse and worse. Or so the media – mainstream and other – and the talk shows and the political speechifying and the economics gurus and the warmongers tell us.

(Well, dear Camilla and poor old Uncle Joe are telling us how wonderful things are and how they’ve been getting better for almost three-and-a-half years, and will for another 4+ years if we just bow down before them. But who believes them?)

Religiously the premillenialists and the “Jew’s are God’s people” gang all say things are getting bad but that is necessary for things to get really, really great! And The Donald and the Trumpistas tell us things are really bad and will continue to get bad up until 20 January 2025, after which things will start getting better and better!

Don’t believe any of them. Not global climate change. Not economic collapse. Not horrific plagues or even bogus ones. And not even war.

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Paul Harvey on America’s future

The broadcaster Paul Harvey wrote and broadcast this in 1965 – nearly sixty years ago. It was not intended to be a series of predictions, but just a warning. It is overtly religious – Christian in fact in an era when mainstream churches actually believed in a Creator, the Bible, and a real person named Satan. But it has political warnings and implications.

Read and share your thoughts with us here at TPOL!

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Protesters, free speech, campuses, and Canaan

Canaan, we are told, was created as the center of this planet – something fairly clear when looking at a globe and the Old World (Eastern Hemisphere). But the conflicts which have been raging for at least 4,000 years create hatred and even horror even on the other side of the planet.

On Tuesday (30 April 2024), news reports are that Pro-Palestinian Protesters broke into and occupied an academic building at Columbia University in New York City. Columbia is a “private school” (ignore all those FedGov subsidy checks deposited daily) and so their buildings and the grounds (but probably not the streets) are private land.

The protests in favor of “Palestine” and “Palestinian people” and against Israeli “genocide” and occupation have been national news. The university began suspending students who refused to voluntarily end their encampment by a 1400 hour, Monday deadline. The protesters have been camped out, trespassing on private land, for nearly two weeks as part of nationwide protests on college campuses. Despite the protests, Columbia has refused to call on the NYPD for help.

This is clearly a change from peaceful protest to acts of violence, matching and expanding on the verbal threats and verbal attacks on Jews, including many of their own classmates. Is this an aberration or more?

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Who do they represent?

The nearly $100 billion authorized by Congress and celebrated in this picture of Congress for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan demonstrates to whom these men (and women) give their first loyalty. We can also note: this money is NOT there – it will have to be borrowed. And according to reports from objective and honest observers, the money for Ukraine is being thrown down a rathole. It will not buy victory, but only make defeat more costly and delay it a little bit longer.

So look carefully at the image below.

No, this was not a bunch of greying anti-communist college professors staging a protest in the House chambers. These are the people supposedly elected to supposedly represent the men and women – the American citizens – of their districts. You can be sure they were not chanting “USA, USA” as they waved these blue and yellow flags.

The list of those who took stolen tax money (and money borrowed from future generations) from Americans and gave it to a corrupt foreign government, and to two allies who have enormous assets of their own, is long. And ugly.

(View this video HERE – done by another congressman.)

Even minarchists and constitutionalists should be outraged about this, no? Lovers of liberty who are small-mouthed anarchists and pacifists, who believe in free markets and oppose theft by government? Our outrage is beyond speech.

The idea of a “representative democracy” is as much a joke – a bitter, killing joke – as the idea of “compassionate conservativism” or finding a moral, honest, and responsible politician.

These men and women – even the ones who are NOT waving Ukrainian flags, do NOT represent the people of the district which they perportedly serve – not even that much smaller number of people in their district who voted for them. Sometimes, we cannot tell exactly who or what they DO represent, but it is clear that we can see from their actions and their words whom they DO NOT represent.

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Why do world leaders want war?

Or at least seem to want war? It is a great question that any lover of liberty, and any soldier (or Marine or airman or sailor or Guardian) would love to know the answers for.

Seldom are the rulers and leaders of various nations honest about desiring war. Indeed, they are constantly babbling on about seeking peace and preserving peace.

Yet we see that their actions often do not match their rhetoric.

No, this isn’t about nations having arms to defend themselves. Generally, disarmament does not keep or lead to peace. Theoretically, if all nations disarmed themselves, there would peace – or at least a lack of war. But then, theoretically, Communism works. And theoretically spending more money on education produces a better education for all those students. But the real world isn’t like that.

Why? There are no doubt several reasons government leaders want war. Let us look at a few.

First, as Randolph Bourne wrote way back during the First World War, “War is the health of the state.” From the War of 1812 and the many Indian Wars, through the War between the States, Spanish-American War, Great War, Second World War right up to the undeclared wars going on in the past few decades. War lets – encourages – government to grow and grow. And convinces the people to let it do so – in many people’s minds, “security” trumps “liberty.” AND “prosperity.”

Second, war is profitable – especially if all the fighting and destruction and most of the death is in distant lands. Whether that is Texas and the Southwest and Mexico (1845-1848). Or Virginia and Tennessee and Missouri (well, except that nasty little invasion of Pennsylvania in ’63) (1861-1865). Or France in 1917-18, Europe and the Pacific in 1941-45)… remember Hawai’i was just a territory then… Profitable to industry, to government employees and contractors, and to Beltway Bandits and all those lovely folks outside the gates of the airbase or fort. Which means that they feed the politicians!

Third, in war there are always losers. Indeed, sometimes despite one side or the other being declared the “winner” both sides lose. But politicians, like many criminals, are irredeemably optimists. Their side is going to win. Definitely. Look past the blubbering whinging of Ukrainian leaders today – they are confident that they will win against Russia. No matter what unbiased, objective, and knowledgeable observers have been pointing out since the start. (Vlad Putin is also confident of victory, even though that is tempered by his strong belief that Russia must win – or it will die. Similar to what Bibi believes in Israel.)

Fourth, and related to the first point, war is a distraction. Today consider both the People’s Republic of [North] Korea, and Venezuela (beating the war drums against Guyana and of course, the FedGov). And it is not unreasonable to attribute China’s apparent campaign ramping up against the regime on Taiwan to the need to prevent, if not suppress, growing unrest of their massive masses. War is both a distraction from such nasty things (in their opinion) as secession movements and tax rebellions, and an opportunity to strengthen the existing powers-that-be to deal with the internal unrest. History is filled with examples of how external threats (even if imaginary) were used by leaders to calm and unify their own people.

Fifth, despite the claims that “violence solves nothing” and that “war is futile,” we know that war does change things. It is claimed that war changes things for the better, sometimes. Even if all it does is clean up a mess caused by one (or more) governments to begin with. An example of that is the Korean Conflict, a clear act of aggression by the North with Chinese and Soviet support but triggered by weasel words of the politicians in DC and by poor policies in DC regarding Korea and much of the Far East.

And of course, war ensures that large numbers of people have no chance to have descendants. Which changes the course of history far more than people are willing to think about. A little-known example is the State of Arkansas, and its relatively huge losses during both the War between the States and the Great War (World War I): a once vibrant State with great natural resources and opportunities has been and is a backwater to this day, as all too many of their best and brightest believed the propaganda and died “gloriously” leaving future generations without their genetic heritage.

For politicians – “world leaders” – this is even better than massive migration away from their nation. Not only do they get rid of the aggressive, often more stubborn and resistant, people that are a thorn in their flesh,

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Examples of the corrupt nature of government

Javier Milei of Argentina spoke a while back at Davos, Switzerland to a rather hostile crowd at the World Economic Forum (WEF). View it here (the actual talking starts about 4 minutes into the recording.) We understand that some people reported that all of six people applauded his words. No doubt part of that was because he clearly stated that “the state is not the solution” but rather that the state is the “problem itself.” He attacked all of the WEF’s most prized sacred cows.

One of the greatest problems in the Argentine is the vast network and history of corruption in government (and really, most walks of life). It is not alone in that: many if not all Hispanic nations have such a background and such a problem. Including such nations as New Mexico, Arizona, and California. It started in Old Spain, and no doubt is tied in part to the glorification of kings and the military during the 700+ years of Reconquista. Liberating their people and land from Islam sadly led directly to tyranny and foul ideas of government.

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